Wednesday, September 23, 2009


When Malayalees irrespective of caste or religions are celebrating Onam,as Mr Salim rightly told, I do not understand why we are not involving Tamilians also to join with us in the Onam celebration. Nairs in Kerala have changed a lot, and that was one of the reasons for the involvements of all Malayalees in Onam celebration.But Nairs in Chennai have to change a lot, in their outlook towards social integration,and tradition. TNSS has to take a lead in this matter.Hope Onam celebration should not be commercialized . During Onam celebration it was told that Rs1000 Cr's worth,of liquor is sold in Kerala. Traditional way of celebrating Onam is not known to our children.Our children in Chennai are unheard of Thiruvathirakali, Talappanthukali,etc.

Friday, September 18, 2009


True life comes from the activity of mind and the exercise of the body and the two are bound together. But body is the mirror of mind. Your look may change, and the most beautiful may turn ugly, but the mind may remain unchanged. Cultivate your mind to revolve around truth and the body may not deceive you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


God has created mothers to rear children. To aid mothers God has created teachers to teach the children and to bring them as useful citizens. Teachers should love the children.Give the children the gift of knowledge. Motivate the children in learning. Care each and every children. Care the children more who need help and assistance in learning.Teachers should never be a machine of torture.They are instruments of inspiration.The unchecked excesses of punishments inflicted on children by Teachers are dehumanising the noble profession of teaching.
I would like to quote here the well known poem of Pamela Glennwarner.
Bitter are the tears of a child; sweeten them
Deep are the thoughts of a child ;quiet them
Sharp is the grief of a child;take it from him or her
Soft is the heart of a child ;do not harden it.